The blog with no title!


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Hi there everyone and welcome to the first Blog I have ever written.  To say I am nervous would be a slight understatement!  The ‘will people like it?’, ‘will I make a fool of myself?’ feelings are very real but as they say ‘do something that scares you every day’ so here goes.

My first issue was what should I write about.  Fitness, exercise, nutrition etc…etc…..etc….  I decided that would be very boring and not me although I will dabble into this and more as we go.  So, hold onto your hats and let me know what you think.  This is the blog with no title because I will write whatever comes into my head which could almost be anything!

I am sitting at my computer at 60 and slightly wondering how I got to this point.  On my second marriage with 3 grown up sons who have all flown the nest (thank goodness), and for those of you out there that don’t think they will ever be happy to see their children leave – TRUST ME YOU WILL WHEN THE TIME COMES.  They are like boomerangs to start with – yes, they keep coming back but eventually they decide they need their freedom – thank goodness!  From them I have 3 grandchildren who I look after very regularly, and 2 elderly parents who I also care for.  And I took the leap from corporate crap to running my own company as a fitness trainer 3 years ago.  I get up at 5.30am 4 days a week and work until at least 7.30 3 nights a week.  And I feel blessed – well most of the time anyway!

My days are manic – if you don’t believe me come and look at my diary – but I truly wouldn’t have it any other way.  I have met some amazing people who I now have the pleasure to call friends and I laugh a lot.

I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life – yes and I am 60.  Even though my life is crazy I still work out 4-5 times a week, I lift heavy weights, I walk a LOT and I eat well.  

My aim is to help women over 40 feel confident both mentally and physically as they reach and go through the menopause.  Women should feel empowered and confident as they age allowing them to lead full and happy lives and I can help with that.   

As well as being a personal trainer and kettlebell instructor I have a precision nutrition level 1 certificate and I am a certified 3rd age woman instructor.

Please feel free to contact me via my website or facebook page for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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